'The Radio Song' Leadon & Clark
"A hundred thousand miles it seems since yesterday
It hasn't been that long, but fate just lays it on that way"
Op 24 okt 1968 kwam het prachtige album 'The Fantastic Expedition of Dillard & Clark' uit van Doug Dillard en oprichter van The Byrds Gene Clark. "A unique masterpiece at the intersection of country rock and americana", zo staat te lezen op Wikipedia. Een van de schitterende nummers die erop te vinden zijn, is The Radio Song.
The Radio Song vertolkt, net als veel andere nummers van Gene Clark, melancholische gevoelens van heimwee, weemoed en verlangen. Als het aan Clark lag, en dat deed het vooral solo vaak wel, dan speelde hij het liefst in een zo laag mogelijk tempo, om ons de tijd te geven zijn emoties goed tot ons door te kunnen laten dringen.
Op de fiets door de USA, 'Goedkoop door Amerika', met de ziel af en toe onder de arm, was dat precies een rake match. Bij het zien van dit bord: 'No Services Next 65 Miles' volgde zo'n moment van reflectie, temeer als je drinken bijna op is en er al zo'n vijfenzestig mijl op zit en de temperatuur stijgt naar boven de vijfenveertig graden.
'The Radio Song' Bernie Leadon & Gene Clark
Fifteen miles from Memphis, I think that was the sign
I'll be drivin' through tomorrow just to lose a worried mind
If I reach Colorado, I won't look back where I've been
It seems so long since I have seen her, where will I begin?
Night before last walkin', facin' four rooms worth of floor
It isn't long since she's been gone, but now I need her more
A wise man wrote what isn't there is what you want to find
So now I'll have to find her so that I won't lose my mind
I've listened to the radio, all the music that is on
But every song they're playin' is about a love that's gone
A hundred thousand miles it seems since yesterday
It hasn't been that long, but fate just lays it on that way
I've listened to the radio, all the music that is on
But every song they're playin' is about a love that's gone
A hundred thousand miles it seems since yesterday
It hasn't been that long, but fate just lays it on that way
Fifteen miles from Memphis, I think that was the sign
I'll be drivin' through tomorrow just to lose a worried mind
If I reach Colorado, I won't look back where I've been
It seems so long since I have seen her, where will I begin?